SHARE TO WIN $500 in Lenk Orthodontic’s annual Ortho Awareness Month contest!!! We don’t just straighten teeth, we aim to provide comprehensive care to improve hygiene, gum health and …
It is common knowledge that orthodontics creates beautiful smiles. Did you also know Dr. Lenk has been trained to optimize a bite and smile so as to make her …
It is common knowledge that orthodontics creates beautiful smiles. Did you also know Dr. Lenk has been trained to optimize a bite and smile so as to make her …
Prevention and early detection is as important as formal care at Lenk Orthodontics! One of the reasons it is recommended for children to be screened as early as seven …
FACT #: Certain bite problems have been shown to increase a person’s risk of experiencing dental trauma Dr. Lenk has saved patients from experiencing trauma and has help patients …
SHARE THIS POST TO win $500…Your name gets entered in our drawing for $500 every time you share with your friends! IT IS RECOMMENDED A CHILD STOP A FINGER …
SHARE TO WIN $500 IN THIS YEAR’S LENK ORTHODONTICS AWARENESS MONTH CONTEST! Crowded teeth can negatively impact not only esthetics, but the overall health of the mouth. Early detection …
SHARE TO WIN $500 IN THIS YEAR’S LENK ORTHODONTICS AWARENESS MONTH CONTEST! Crowded teeth can negatively impact not only esthetics, but the overall health of the mouth. Early detection …
DRAWING ON 10-31-2022 Dr. Lenk is an experts in the growth and development of the head and neck. She doesn’t just move teeth, she can provide care to positively …
DRAWING ON 10-31-2022 Dr. Lenk is an experts in the growth and development of the head and neck. She doesn’t just move teeth, she can provide care to positively …